
Reform Africa

Upcycling and Recylcing of Plastic Waste

Plastic waste disposal in Uganda is on the increase. It is estimated that 600 tonnes of plastic is disposed of in Uganda daily this is due to the rapid rate of emerging small scale producing companies competing with bigger companies to produce more plastic products hence increase in the accumulation of plastic waste.

Kampala city alone accounts for the vast chunk of plastic waste, which is littered all over the city and clogging sewage systems, according to the National Environment Management Authority. About 51% of the plastic garbage in the city is left uncollected and ends up in drainage channels, wetlands, natural watercourses, manholes, undeveloped plots and on the roadside. In the rural areas, it is a sad story; plastic garbage in most cases left to decompose on its own.

Reform Africa is changing this, we are transforming plastic waste into affordable, durable and waterproof bags.

Find product details here and order your bags. Shipping is possible globally:

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