We are thrilled to introduce our new replicators, who embarked on their replication journey at our main SINA Community “Jangu International” two weeks ago. Over the next 12 months, they will immerse themselves in the SINA model, gaining firsthand experience and acquiring the necessary skills, experiences, and tools to replicate SINA in three new locations in Uganda (Bombo, Kamuli and Nyenga).

Don Bosco Mondo supports over 100 vocational centres in 30 African countries and is our partner for two of the replications together with the local vocational centre administration. They recognized the challenge that many graduates in rural areas struggle to find job opportunities. To address this, we have launched a pilot program: Six alumni from two centres embark on our replication journey, establishing their own organizations and SINA communities next to the established vocational centres. This will empower further alums to unleash their full potential, creating social enterprises and their own jobs. This model could be replicated in many more vocational centres in the coming years.
The third team is from Nyenga, where the Nyenga Orphanage is closing down, and the Nyenga Foundation is keen on transforming the existing infrastructure into something meaningful for the community. The three local youths have been selected as replicators. If all goes well, all the SINAs will get started in mid-2024.
These replicators will not just create jobs; they will transform livelihoods and incomes. They are empowering marginalized youth to become social entrepreneurs, turning challenges into opportunities. Our transformational and purpose-driven approach shifts the youths from passive aid recipients to active drivers of their own futures, leading to a prosperous and regenerative future for themselves and their communities. Based on our existing ten SINAs, we anticipate that each new SINA will create, on average, 25 social enterprises in their first three years, which will create 125 new jobs.