
Babykit Company Limited

Durable and affordable baby warmers to lactating and expecting mothers of 0-3 month babies to protect them from coldness that causes pneumonia.

According to 2021 UNHCR data in 22 health centres in Bidibidi refugee settlement, around 25–30 babies of 0–3 months are born weekly. As a result, around 13 babies dies of pneumonia due to too much coldness, which advanced in babies because of poor house structures in Bidibidi refugee settlement. Mothers cannot afford to purchase warm beddings and baby sows, which are more expensive due to the low-income status of the mothers.

As Babykit Company Limited, we make and offer durable and affordable baby warmers to lactating and expecting mothers of 0-3 month babies to protect them from coldness that causes pneumonia.

Therefore, Babykit company uses locally grown materials (cotton) from the local community farmers to make and produce affordable baby warmers.

We make baby warmers for lactating and expecting mothers with 0-3 month babies made from locally grown cotton for mothers to use by entering the newborn baby into the warmer so the baby feels warm and cold. This will help babies feel like they are with their mothers as the warmer provides warmth. Mothers will have enough time to do other domestic work as babies enjoy the product as they have low-income status will also help.

The babykit products are the sifo warmer [sifo means good in the local language, and the heavy baby blanket warmer.] They enter the baby into the sifo warmer while the heavy baby blanket, they use it for covering the babies, and they are all made out from the locally grown cotton grown by the community members.

“The current alternatives are the health partner offering light baby clothes, and the traders offering baby saws that are light and expensive mothers cannot afford to purchase. While babykit uses locally grown materials, cotton, for making very cheap baby warmers and affordable compared to the current solutions, which are expensive at 60,000 ugx compared to ours at 20,000 ugx.

Babykit is accessible and reliable within the community compared to the other solutions, which are far away. They are inaccessible and unreliable to their customers.

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