Our SINA community in Mpigi, Uganda “Jangu International” has been invited and sponsored by the Ministry for Gender, Labour and Social Development together with the Ministry of Defence to represent Ugandan youth and youth organizations in Bujumbura as the only Ugandan organisation to represent the whole of Uganda in the concluded East African Standby Force seminar for peace and security from the 3rd and 4th November 2022. It featured over tean Eastern African member states with the goal to discuss the African Union continental framework on youth, peace and security. The main objective of the program is to facilitate young people’s meaningful participation in all spectrums of peace and security in Africa.
Through this seminar, attention was paid to non-appropriate issues related to African civil society in order to agree on how to facilitate conditions to promote peace, align professionally with EASF strategies at the local level and indirectly participate in political decisions that affect peace and affect the future of our communities.
Through the SINA model and the innovative way to empower youth, Jangu International has greatly contributed to the five pillars of peace and security for solutions to better lives and creating opportunities for young people.