Youth Connekt Africa is a large conference hosted in different African countries annually to support the implementation of relevant South-South initiatives to empower youth. It operates as a pan-African platform with the vision of connecting African youth for socio-economic transformation through enhancing knowledge, experiences and skills while investing in their ideas, innovations and initiatives.
The 2022 Summit was hosted from 13 – 15 October in Kigali. Several heads of state, including the President of Kigali, Paul Kagame, addressed the audience of 9.000 youth and stakeholders from across Africa. We are excited that our main SINA Community “Jangu International” was chosen by the Ugandan government to be among the solutions to showcase from Uganda. A small SINA delegation from jangu International was invited to Kigali and also included the SINA startup “Sengonzi Terrazzo”, displaying the invention of flooring and tile solutions, primarily made from eggshells.
We are grateful for this recognition and support by the UNDP and the Ministry of Gender in Uganda to be among the Ugandan delegation. Many connections were made, and possible replications of SINA were explored in other African countries.