Anzisha is dedicated to empowering young African entrepreneurs by providing them with the resources, mentorship, and platforms to succeed. The Anzisha Fellowship and Prize is Africa’s biggest award for her youngest entrepreneurs aged 15 – 22 years. Over the last years, six young female SINA scholars from Jangu International were among the Anzisha Fellows:
Jackline Birungi (2024)
Jesca Nayebare (2024)
Grace Nabuuma (2023)
Suzan Nassolo (2023)
Saudah Birungi (2019)
Joan Nalubega (2018)
This was reason for Anzisha to publish a case study on SINA (Social Innovation Academy), highlighting its unique approach to enabling marginalized youth to become social entrepreneurs. The case study titled “Unpacking the Impact: How SINA’s Focus on Purpose Drives Success“ unpacks the SINA Framework:

- From Vulnerable Backgrounds to Strong Foundations SINA’s program begins with life-coaching and mentorship, guiding scholars through personal and entrepreneurial development. Mentors provide emotional support and help scholars build resilience, develop essential life skills, and foster a deep sense of purpose.
- Nurturing Innovation and Problem-Solving Mindsets Through Design Thinking, SINA empowers scholars to develop creative solutions addressing real community needs. This human-centered design approach involves empathy, iterative problem-solving, and resilience-building, essential for entrepreneurial success.
- From Idea to Execution: Lean Startup Methodology SINA entrepreneurs validate their business ideas through customer discovery and iterative experimentation. This lean startup approach ensures ventures are sustainable and responsive to community needs, fostering adaptability and innovation.
- Embracing Holacracy: Autonomy and Collective Decision-Making Holacracy at SINA promotes independence and group decision-making, creating an environment where innovation thrives. This structure aligns with SINA’s mission of empowerment and allows quick adaptation to beneficiary needs.